The Romantic President
Title: Piano Chineun Daetongryeong
AKA: The Romantic President
Year: 2002
Directed: Jeon Man-Bae
Genre: Drama/Comedy
Runtime: 93 Minutes
Country: Korea
Language: Korean
The story starts with Young-hee, who was being spoonfed by her attendants as she sat in her father’s limousine to school.
A scene showed Choi entering the class, disguised as a new student. Choi sat beside a girl as she acted blatantly and introduced herself as a transfer student. With the girl’s help, Choi identified the exceptional students, from the rebel to the most studious student and so on. Choi left the classroom shortly before the class started.
The students ran back to their seats as the principal introduced their new teacher. They were shocked when Choi, who had disguised herself as a transfer student earlier on, was their new teacher.
- Ahn Sung-ki – Han Min-wook
- Choi Ji Woo – Choi Eun-ju
- Lim Su-jeong – Han Young-hee
- Lee Jang-suk Lee – Ha-rin
- Kim Seong-gyeom – Principal
- Lee Jang-soo – Shin Kwang-bae
- Hwang Gyu-rim
- Park Ji-eun
- Kim Hyeong-il – Head of President’s bodyguards
- Kim In-mun – Tavern keeper
- Lee Beom-su – Bum in subway station
- Choi Yi-su