Joey Yung Discography
Joey Yung Cho-Yee (Traditional Chinese 容祖兒; Simplified Chinese 容祖儿; Cantonese: Yung Cho-Yee; Mandarin pinyin: Róng Zǔ’ér (born June 16, 1980) is a popular female Chinese singer and actress from Hong Kong. She is an artist of the Emperor Entertainment Group. She won the “Most Popular Female Singer Award” on Jade Solid Gold in 2003 with her hit, “My Pride” and won the same prize in 2004, 2005, and 2006, thus emerging as one of the premier Cantonese singers in the world.
- Released: September 29, 1999
- Length: 36:40
- “未知” Unknown
- “逃避你” Evade You
- “這分鐘更愛你” Love You More in This Minute
- “今年新款” Latest Fashion this Year
- “扮了解” Pretend to Understand
- “未知” Unknown (RushHourMix)
- “未知” Unknown (Karaoke version)
- “逃避你” Evade You (Karaoke version)
- “這分鐘更愛你” Love You More in This Minute (Karaoke version)
- “未知” Unknown (RushHourMix) (Karaoke Version)
EP 2 Don’t Miss 不容錯失
- Released: April 1, 2000
- Length: 23:10
- “不容錯失” (Compass Visa TVC主題曲) Don’t Miss (Compass Visa TVC Theme Song)
- “最新消息” (~H20+ TVC主題曲) Latest News (~H20+ TVC Theme Song)
- “Lovin’ U” (樂而雅TVC主題曲) Lovin’ U (Laurier TVC Theme Song)
- “你是我堅強的唯一理由” You are My Only Reason for Being Strong
- “何苦” How Come
- “不容錯失” Don’t Miss (Remix)
- “不容錯失” Don’t Miss (Chemical Remix)
Who Will Love Me 誰來愛我
- Released: September 1, 2000
- Length: 42:05
- “相當刺激”
- “Now and Forever”
- “Goodbye”
- “穿花蝴蝶”
- “敬請留步”
- “誰來愛我”
- “好女孩”
- “為你萬歲”
- “愛不愛”
- “撈針”
- “最好時光”
All Summer Holiday 全身暑假
- Released:June 5, 2001
- Length: 39:50
- “告解” Confession
- “瘦身大法” Slimming Method
- “全身暑假” (H2O 主題曲) All Summer Holiday
- “一個人砌圖” Playing Jigsaw Puzzle Alone
- “寂寞大道” Road to Loneliness
- “阿門” Amen
- “愛している” Aisheteiru (I Love You)
- “他狠過你” He is Crueller than You
- “故弄玄虛” Playing Tricks
- “我不要你” I Don’t Want You
Solemn on Stage 隆重登場
- Released: October 11, 2001
- Length: 40:13
- “What s Up”
- “命苦”
- “怯”
- “再見我的初戀”(H2O廣告主題曲)
- “擁抱天下”
- “隆重登場”(2001演唱會主題曲)
- “R U READY 4 ME?”
- “銀蛋伴小貓”
- “走著睡”
- “麻煩你”
- “沙堡壘”
- Released: May 15, 2002
- Length: 40:15
- “一面之緣” (出前一丁麵廣告主題曲)
- “抱抱” (~H2O+廣告主題曲)
- “Mad About You”
- “啜泣”
- “拍拖”
- “四面台”
- “舊日回憶的山丘”
- “小天使”
- “我的麻煩男友”
- “早有預謀”
- “一面之緣”(清仔Q版)
My Pride 我的驕傲
- Released:March 25, 2003
- Length: 45:07
- Geminian Theme*
- 習慣失戀
- Joey’s Clock*
- 神魂顛倒
- Some Time*
- 心淡
- Yummy !*
- Honey !
- 你的擁戴*
- 我的驕傲 (西九龍泓景臺廣告主題曲)
- 好好聽*
- 跩跩
- Meow’s Greeting*
- 與貓共舞
- Clubbin*
- 囉囉攣
- Lesson One*
- 最後一課
- 他都不愛我 (duet with Deep Ng)
- 揮著翅膀的女孩
- Released: September 30, 2003
- Length: 46:33
- “Panic Room”
- “Show Up !”
- “出賣”
- “Déjà Vu”
- “流汗”
- “歌姬”
- “Cyber Stage”
- “派對機器”
- “心甘命抵”
- “遲鈍”
- “N.G. Takes”
- “勉強幸福”
- “想得太遠”
- “會很美”
- “我也不想這樣”
- “Show Up” (國語版)
- Released: April 29, 2004
- Length: 38:34
- “溶”
- “夢路”
- “Gimme n A”(Interlude)
- “最後勝利”
- “真身上陣”
- “吹沙入眼”
- “一拍兩散”
- “朱古力萬歲”
- “3:08PM 銅鑼灣”(Interlude)
- “借過”
- “候鳥樹”
- “世上只有”(刀嘜[好媽媽]廣告主題曲)
- “凝溶”
- Released:October 14, 2004
- Length: 38:46
- Personal Forecast*
- 天氣報告 (Weather Forecast)
- 16 號愛人 (Lover Number 16)
- Sand Storm*
- 紅牌出場
- Pls Leave A Msg*
- 煙霞
- Rainyday On Black Friday*
- S.O.S.
- My Secret Garden*
- 蜃樓 (Mirage)
- Pls Try Again Later*
- 分身術 (Split Body Magic)
- Give Love A Break
- 男朋友與歌 (Boyfriend Song)
- Coming Back*
- 心病 (30-second commercial version)
- 身驕肉貴 (The Attractive One)
- Released:August 18, 2005
- Length: 49:50
- Prelude: Bi-Hearzt JAM
- 越唱越強 (More Singing, More Power)
- Interlude: SMS@5:30AM (純音樂)
- 天之驕女 (The Girl from Heaven)
- Interlude: U may kiss the bride (純音樂)
- 好事多為
- Interlude: Taking Off (純音樂)
- 損友 (Bad Friends)
- 混血兒
- Interlude: Boarding Alone (純音樂)
- 還未
- Interlude: Chaotic Heart (純音樂)
- 亂
- 罪魁
- 亂唱歌 (Arch-criminal)
- Interlude: T Minus 10 (純音樂)
- 去火星戀愛
- Finale: M-Program (純音樂)
- 越唱越強 (Mandarin version)
- 你我她 (”還未” Mandarin version)
- Released: February 27, 2006
- Length: 38:34
- 金銀島 Treasure Island
- 摩登時代 Modern Times
- 堂堂男人 Real Man
- 赤地雪 Land of Snow
- 跟珍芳達做健身操 Get Fit with Jane Fonda
- 流淚眼望流淚眼 Tears vs Tears
- 舌尖開叉 Torn Tongue
- 上次坐飛機 Last Flight
- 最後的茱麗葉The Last Juliet
- 冬眠 Hibernation
- Released: December 22, 2006
- Length: 42:12
1. 心花怒放 Joyful Release (Broadway Electronics Commercial Theme)
2. 華麗邂逅 Splendid Unexpected Meeting (Maxim’s Mooncake Commercial Theme)
3. 愛一個上一課 Love A Person, Learn A Lesson
4. 搖搖搖 Shake Shake Shake
5. Be True
6. 傷神 Exhausting
7. 喜喜 Happy Happy
8. 卸妝 Removing Makeup
9. 如果睡袍太少布 If the Night-Robe Is Too Little
10. 蒸餾 Distillation
11. 黃色大門 The Big Yellow Door
Mandarin Albums
2001 Honestly 說真的 Album
2002 A Private Love Song 一個人的情歌 Album
2003 Lonely Portrait 獨照 Album
2006 Jump Up – 9492 Jump Up – 9492 Album
2007 Little Little 小小 Album
Cantonese Compilations
Love Joey 喜歡祖兒
- Released: January 18, 2001
- Length: 58:39
Love Joey 2 喜歡祖兒2
- Released: October 23, 2002
- Length: 63:30
Love:Joey:Love 喜歡祖兒3
- Released: March 7, 2005
- Length: 51:57 (Disc 1), 57:48 (Disc 2)
thank you very match!