Deranged (2012)
Title: Deranged / 연가시
Genre: Drama / Disaster
Runtime: 109min.
Release date: July 5, 2012
Main Cast
Kim Myung-Min | Moon Jung-Hee | Kim Dong-Wan | Lee Ha-Nui |
Jae-Hyuk | Gyung-Soon | Jae-Pil | Yeon-Joo |
Jae-hyuk (Kim Myeong-min) is a pharmaceutical worker for a medical supplies company. When a series of dead bodies are found floating in the Han River, the public is shocked to discover that the deaths are related to a fatal outbreak of virus-infected mutant parasitic horsehair worms, called ‘Yeongasi’, that can control the human brain. Those infected show symptoms of hunger and thirst. Hence, they jump into the river to combat dehydration. While the authorities work to find a cure, Jae-hyuk and his brother Jae-pil (Kim Dong-wan), a detective agonized with guilt for squandering Jae-hyuk’s money, in the stock market, struggles to save his family when they also exhibits similar symptoms.
1. Filming began November 13, 2011
2. Movie opened #1 at the South Korean box office, selling 1.13 million & accounting for 39.20% of all tickets sold during its opening weekend (July 6-8). During its second week, “Deranged” stayed #1, selling 1.15 million tickets and accounting for 43.60% of all tickets sold during its second weekend (July 13-15). Movie passed the 3 million ticket sales mark by its second weekend of release.