Ai no Rukeichi
- Title: 愛の流刑地
- Title (romaji): Ai no Rukeichi
- Genre: Human drama
- Broadcast date: 2007-Mar-20 and 2007-Mar-21
- Theme song: Aisho by Koda Kumi
- Related drama: Kayo Drama Gold (NTV)
- Kishitani Goro as Murao Kikuji
- Takaoka Saki as Irie Fuyuka
- Seto Asaka
- Fukikoshi Mitsuru
- Sugita Kaoru
- Hiraoka Yuuta
- Otsuka Chihiro
An adaptation of the novel by Junichi Watanabe about a tragic affair between a housewife and an aging novelist.
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